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Top 7 Tennis Workout Tips to Improve Speed and Agility

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  • Post last modified:October 10, 2024

Have you ever watched a professional tennis player move so fluidly, slicing across the court as if it weren’t even a big deal? It all comes down to receiving the appropriate training. When it comes to getting better, your greatest friends are speed and agility. Being faster and more nimble can help players of all skill levels, regardless of how long they have been playing.

This post will go over 7 fantastic tennis workout ideas that will increase your speed and agility. Are you prepared to proceed? Come on, let’s dive in!

1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

The best way to increase your speed and endurance is through High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). The main idea behind HIIT is to alternate between brief intervals of high-intensity exercise and rest or lower-intensity activity. The finest aspect? The reason it works so well for tennis is that it replicates the game’s start-and-stop rhythm.

Example Workout:
Here’s a quick HIIT routine you can try:

Warm-Up: 5 minutes of light jogging or dynamic stretches.


  • 30 seconds of maximum effort sprints
  • 30 seconds of jogging or walking
  • Repeat for 8-10 rounds

Cool-Down: 5 minutes of stretching focusing on the legs and core.

Your heart rate will rise with this type of training, which will also help you maintain your strength and quickness during the match.

2. Plyometric Exercises

Do you know what plyometrics are? Known by another name, “jump training,” its goal is to increase your explosive power, which is crucial for making quick movements on the court. Quick, forceful movements are a key component of plyometric training, which increases your force production quickly.

Top Exercises:

  • Box Jumps: Place yourself in front of a platform or box. Jump onto the box, landing softly on your feet. Step back down and repeat.
  • Lateral Hops: Stand with your feet together and hop side-to-side over a line or small object. Focus on quick, explosive movements.
  • Squat Jumps: Begin in a squat and then leap high into the air. After a soft landing, move right into the next squat.

Plyometric exercises will help you achieve the speed, height, and direction changes you need to succeed on the court. Begin by incorporating them into your routine.

3. Ladder Drills

Let’s discuss footwork, which is one of the most crucial tennis abilities. A great method to increase your foot speed and agility is to perform ladder drills. You can cover the court like a pro by honing your quick, accurate movements with the help of these drills.

Drills to Try:

  • In-and-Out Drill: Step both feet into the first square of the ladder, then swiftly step out with one foot on either side of the next square. Continue to follow this technique as you move down the ladder.
  • Lateral Shuffle: Starting sideways, position yourself at one end of the ladder. Each square should be traversed in lateral movement, with a low body and rapid steps.
  • Ickey Shuffle: Place one foot inside the first square, followed by the other. Move the first foot to the side of the next square as you step out, and then place the second foot inside the square.

Regular practice of these drills will improve your agility and enable you to respond more quickly to any threats your opponent may throw at you.

4. Resistance Exercise

The main goal of resistance training is strength development, which is essential for producing power and speed on the court. Resistance training makes you stronger in particular muscle groups, which increases your explosiveness and agility.

Recommended Exercises:

  • Resistance Band Sprints: Tie a resistance band around your waist by fastening it to a sturdy object. Hurry ahead while exerting yourself against the band’s resistance to strengthen your legs. 
  • Weighted Lunges: Using a pair of dumbbells, execute lunges while maintaining proper form. Your legs get stronger and your balance gets better with this exercise.
  • Medicine Ball Slams: As hard as you can, slam a medicine ball to the ground while holding it above your head. Building upper body power is essential for producing strong serves and groundstrokes, and this helps with that.

These exercises will help you get stronger, faster, and more flexible, which will give you a huge advantage on the court.

5. Agility Drills

Agility drills are designed to help you move quickly and change direction efficiently skills that are absolutely essential in tennis. These drills improve your balance, coordination, and overall quickness.

Effective Drills:

  • Cone Drills: Practice running, shuffle walking, and backpedaling around cones that have been arranged in various patterns. Concentrate on maintaining composure while accelerating.
  • Shuttle Runs: Place two markers at a distance of 10–20 meters apart. Run to a marker, make contact with it, and then run back to the starting position. This is an excellent acceleration and deceleration drill.
  • T-Drill: Arrange four cones in a triangle configuration. Start at the base of the T, sprint to the top, shuffle sideways to each end, and then backpedal to the start. This drill really hones your lateral movement and quick direction changes.

These drills will seriously up your agility game, making you faster and more responsive during matches.

6. Core Strength

When it comes to speed, agility, and general court performance, a strong core is your hidden weapon. Maintaining stability, power, and balance requires your core muscles, which include your abs, obliques, lower back, and hips.

Core Exercises:

  • Planks: Place your forearms and toes on the ground to form a plank position. Hold the pose for 30 to 60 seconds while maintaining a straight body and a tight core.
  • Russian Twists: While sitting on the floor, raise your feet and bend your knees. Using a medicine ball or weight, slowly lean back and rotate your torso from side to side. Rotational strength is enhanced and your obliques are targeted. 
  • Leg Raises: Lie on your back with your legs straight. Lift your legs toward the ceiling, then slowly lower them back down. This exercise strengthens your lower abs.

Developing your core strength will have a significant positive impact on your game by improving your movement, hitting power, and resistance to injury.

7. Sport-Specific Drills

Drills created especially for tennis must be incorporated if you wish to succeed at the game. You may hone your abilities and increase your speed and agility with the aid of these workouts, which replicate the actions and situations you’ll encounter in games.

Examples of Drills:

  • Shadow Swinging: Without a ball, practice your forehand, backhand, serve, and volley strokes. To increase stroke efficiency and develop muscle memory, pay close attention to your form and technique.
  • Cone Agility Drills: Practice navigating around cones rapidly while keeping your balance and control by arranging them in various designs. The rapid lateral movements you’ll require in a match are simulated by these drills.
  • Reaction Drills with a Partner: Along with swift reflexes to intercept and return balls, have a partner toss them to various parts of the court. Your response time and dynamic movement will both improve with this exercise.

These sport-specific activities can help you become more adept at handling the erratic, fast-paced play of a genuine tennis match.


Boosting your quickness and flexibility on the tennis court plays a key role in stepping up your game. By putting these seven powerful tennis workout ideas into actionHigh-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)plyometric exercisesladderresistanceagilitycore strength, and sport-specific drills, you’ll see a big jump in how well you play.

Each of these methods zeros in on a key part of tennis training, from explosive power and quick footwork to strong core and game-specific skills. If you keep at these exercises, you’ll end up faster more flexible, and better on the court overall.

Begin to work these tennis workout tips into your usual routine now, and you’ll see your game change. Stick with it, and enjoy getting faster and more nimble as a player!

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